I’m an adventure seeker with a passion for embracing life’s many facets. From chasing new experiences to uncovering methods of living well, I’m exploring a life that thrives on open-mindedness and learning. Through lifestyle exploration and travel blogging I get to weave together my daily experiences and love for travel. I also have my own small business as an independent travel agent so that I can assist others in finding their next adventures- their next experiences that might impact their life.

I believe writing and storytelling are powerful tools. I don’t have all the answers. I just have these adventure journals to offer with food for thought, tips and tricks, and if I am lucky a bit of entertainment. Please feel free to join me as I go. Maybe something will spark a conversation or an idea about your next entry into the adventure journals of your own life.

Good reads

Books, articles, and sometimes podcasts that piqued my interest or were particularly memorable. I don’t take the time to summarize them since a search engine can do that quicker and with more eloquence than me. Just some quick thoughts on each. Feel free to send recommendations on other material! To Shake the Sleeping Self by […]

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About the people… Nepal 2022

I have been writing and re-writing about my journey in Nepal since I returned home three weeks ago.. For now, I just wanted to put forward the most important and stunning part of the entire trip- the people. When I’m asked about the trip I immediately talk about the people and I frequently cry. I

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